Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Kids are Fat

I love kids. Especially fat kids. They're like big teddy bears, nice to hold and hug. If I ever have kids, I wish all my kids are chubby and cute.

However, no matter how cute fat kids are, the reality is fat kids are better off losing their excess weight. Much have been written about the dangers of obesity in a child. As responsible parents, you should do whatever it takes to help your child lose the excess weight, or prevent her from getting fat in the first place.

Isn't it great if you could prevent your child from getting fat, or reduce her risk of obesity?

To prevent your child from getting fat, first you must know the reasons that make a child fat. Once you know the reasons, you'll be in a better position to take preventive measures that will reduce your child's risk of getting fat.

Here's the top 3 reasons why a child gets fat. The reasons are based on a study performed on Spanish children.

1. Watching too Much TV

If your kids watch too much TV, they'll get fat. It's not the TV watching itself that makes your kids fat, but the activities associated with TV watching like snacking. So, if you restrict your child from watching too much TV, you'll reduce her risk of getting fat.

2. Family History of Obesity

If you're fat yourself, your children will probably be fat too. Obesity seems to run in the family. If you're fat, you should lose weight. Set an example your fat children will follow.

3. Consuming too Much Sugar-Sweetened Beverage

If your kids drinks too much sugar-laden sodas, they'll get fat. You should monitor your child's fluid intake and ensure that they do not consume too much sugar-sweetened beverage. Be especially stern when you take your child to fast food outlets.

According to the study, there's one most important factor that prevents a child from getting fat - the time spent on physical activities during leisure time.

A child who engages in physical activities like exercise and sports protects herself from getting fat. You should encourage your child to exercise or take up sports. Even better, you should join your children in their physical activities. Not only you're setting an example to your children, you also keep yourself fit and healthy.

Interestingly, the study finds several factors that bear no relation with your child's risk of getting fat. They are:

  1. Breast-feeding
  2. Birth weight
  3. Time spent sleeping

In summary, to prevent your child from getting fat, you should restrict your child's time spent on watching TV, restrict her intake of sugar-sweetened beverage, set a healthy example your child will follow, and increases her physical activity.

Do you know that 95% of all diets fail? Do you want to be in the successful 5%? Find out how at http://burnfatreview.com where former model Ruby Lee reviews current fat-loss programs like Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle and the South Beach Diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ruby_Lee

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