Friday, April 30, 2010

Bear Tattoos - How To Find The Perfect Bear Tattoo For You

Bears have grown to become very popular in tattoo art recently due to their broad and rich use in symbolism throughout history and culture. Around 500 BC, the bear was used by the Celts across Europe as a symbol to represent war. In the Old Testament, this magnificent creature was used to symbolize evil influence and cruelty. In Christian symbolism, they were viewed as a positive representation of reform. In Ancient Greek and Egypt, it was believed that the Great She-Bear of the Ursa Major Constellation (The Big Dipper) was the incarnation of the great Goddess Diana or Artemis.

Bears have also been used extensively in Native American culture. For some tribes, they were used to symbolize battle, hunting, and healing. For other tribes, this symbol denoted the whirlwind which was used in times of war to confuse ones enemies and for medical and healing purposes. Some tribes viewed them as supernatural creatures and some even as Gods. Their annual hibernation was an expression of the need for silence and self reflection. The quiet of the cave was a symbol of the quiet of the heart.

Another reason why these tattoos have such diverse meanings and designs is the diversity amongst these creatures themselves. Bears such as the Kodiak and Grizzly can be used to symbolize immense strength, power, and danger. Polar bears in tattoo designs are rare and unique. With the current crisis this species is facing, a design incorporating this bear might be used to signify the last of a dying breed, to create awareness, or to symbolize hope. Other members of this family include Black bears and Pandas.

For anyone considering a design with a Koala, just remember that a Koala is not really a bear but actually a member of the marsupials. Finally, there are "teddy bear" tattoos which symbolizes "cute" I think.

If you're looking for really cool bear tattoos, I highly recommend you check out the internet's largest tattoo gallery at

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Answer The Phone You Must - Voice Ringtones

Bad acting. Tacky costumes. Princesses that either wear too much makeup or sport hairdos inspired by very large pastries. Who would've guessed that Star Wars would've had such a large cult following, moving grown men to attend premiere nights dressed in full costume, and fighting over who has the biggest light saber?

But apparently, the Force lies Strong, surviving the long decades after the first trilogy, and the highly disappointing prequels. What's the secret? Maybe not the actual movies, but the lovable characters. Villains with a sensitive past. Unlikely heroes who possess powers greater than even they imagine. Robots who possess more personality than their plastic parts reveal. That's why every little kid who watches the Star Wars movies walks out of the movie theatre wanting to be a Jedi.

And with the Stars Wars merchandise available, you can be a Jedi. Except for the slight problem. You'd look pretty stupid brandishing a light saber at work, and the costumes won't exactly meet the Office Dress Code. (Although you know what they say about how black matches everything...) So the only way to channel your inner Jedi without being branded a total geek is through the Star Wars Voice Ringtones-actual characters and their famous lines, activated whenever somebody makes a call or sends a text message.

One of the most popular voice ring tones is Yoda, whose strange grammatical structures and cryptic messages have made him the Star Wars Equivalent of Buddha (albeit a short, green and hairy version of him).

There are several messages available. "Answer the phone you must!" he admonishes, whenever you let the phone ring a little too long. (He's always been good at telling people what to do. Why not assign this particular voice ring tone to your boss-who is, probably, equally short, green and hairy).

Another popular version is "Press the button and fulfill your destiny!". Which makes you feel a little more important, as if the future of the universe depends on you taking the call. Even if it's just your wife telling you to pass by the supermarket and buy a dozen eggs before going home-although we can guess what your destiny would be if you forget to run her errands. Assign this ring tone to her, or any significant other who has the power to make you very happy, or very, very miserable.

Of course, Yoda's not the only Star Wars character who deserves his own voice ring tone. There's Chewbacca, whose roars and grunts can clearly be translated into "Get the darn phone, or I'll beat the heck out of you." Aaah, but we all know he's just a very big teddy bear. Who also happens to wield a very big gun. But a teddy bear nonetheless. A great ring tone to assign to your mother. She'll be calling you frequently.

And then there's R2D2, and his cheerful beeps and whistles, and See-Threepio (C3-PO)-Princess Leia's loyal escorts, who acted as her digital secretaries long before people were even using computers at work. Assign this voice ring tone to your overworked assistant.

Philip Nicosia is the webmaster of GetMeRingtones, a site specialising in the different genres of ringtones, including polyphonic ringtones, and MP3 ringtones.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tired of Teddy Bears - Find Unique Plush Toys

If you've recently spent time shopping for a plush toy or stuffed animal for that special someone in your life, you've undoubtedly come across hundreds and hundreds of plush teddy bears, jungle animals, cats, dogs and other cute and cuddly plush creatures. But what if you are tired of the same old stuffed bears and monkeys that you can find everywhere and that everyone already has? Well, if you're searching for something soft and plushy that is very different from your traditional stuffed animals, there are plenty of options out there for all ages.

Big Eye Dummies are designer plush dolls with interchangeable eyes and mouths. These adorably funny plush animals include a cow named Disco and a cat named Milton. Kids will love them because of the ability to change the look and facial expression of each of the Big Eye Dummies. They cost around twenty dollars each, and are sure to bring a smile to anyone who receives them.

If you're looking for something a bit on the weird and educational side of plush, look no further than a very cool and unique line of plush toys called GiantMicrobes. GiantMicrobes are stuffed animals that look just like the microbes they represent, only one million times the actual size. You can get the Common Cold, Bad Breath, Stomach Ache, E.Coli or, you can even pass on the ebola virus to a loved one for their birthday. Each GiantMicrobe comes with an image and information about the real microbe itself. In addition to being a funny, unique plush gift, they also make great learning tools for the recipient as well.

Looking for a unique plush toy that's out of this world? Look no further than the charming line of plush aliens, The Wezens. The Wezens have been stranded on Earth, with the sole purpose of cuddling. Each Wezen has a distinct personality, look and color. They can be hard to find, but for around twenty dollars, they are a good purchase.

For the younger set, Snuggle Pods are super soft babies that come with their own "pod" - a satin lined shell. Babies will love tucking and toting their own first baby doll, which fosters early development nurturing.

There are tons of options out there and if you find yourself searching for a unique plush toys, keep digging because you are sure to find something unusual, different and hopeful perfect for you or that special someone.

Shaun Boyle is a web enthusiast, author, father, husband and part owner of The PlushBucket, which specializes in unique plush toys.

Tired of Teddy Bears? Looking for something different? Visit the PlushBucket for some of the most unique plush toys and distinct stuffed animals!

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Success And Survival Tips From Alaska - Do Not Surprise The Teddy Bears

The survival expert Bear Grylls has recently starred in an amazing series of TV survival programs which are full of both survival and success tips. He introduced this episode as follows:

"I am Bear Grylls. I have survived some of the world's toughest environments. Now, I'm in Alaska, one of the world's last great wildernesses and one mistake here can be fatal. My mission - to show you the skills you need to survive here."

Alaska's landscape is made up of endless coastline, deep forest and huge glaciers. Seventeen of the highest mountains in the USA are in Alaska.

Mountaineers, skiers and hikers visit every year to enjoy the wilderness but with the thrills comes danger. Over 20 people die every year.

Bear was placed by helicopter on top of a mountain in the role of a lost skier. All he had was a knife, a water bottle, skis, a flint, an intrepid camera crew and a woolly hat! He would have to find his own way back to safety.

He described what happened next:

"I am 9000 feet up and there is nothing but snow and rock for miles and miles. My best chance of survival is to head downwards.

"The biggest threat to skiers is avalanche. They kill around forty people every year in North America. One wrong turn and the whole mountain side could come crashing down on you. You need to know how to avoid them.

"The key with avalanches is to read the snow and you can use the ski pole in front of you just to test the snow to see whether it is compacted or whether it is in layers.

"What you want is when you push it in, it is nice and consistent but if you push it down and it like suddenly drops a little bit, it's a sign it's in layers and that's the dangerous stuff.

"Avalanches are often triggered by inexperienced skiers and snow boarders who come to enjoy the forty feet of virgin snow which can often fall here."

In early 2006 a snow boarder from Anchorage triggered a 200ft wide avalanche on a slope just like the one Bear was on. His body was eventually recovered three months later. He had fallen 1600 feet.

"Where there is a risk of avalanche, always carry a beacon. They transmit a signal which a rescue service can follow.

"I've descended at least 5000 feet now and at last I'm leaving the high snow faces behind There is so much rock that it is becoming impossible to ski any further. All these skis are going to do is slow me down. I'm better off without them."

Bear dumped the skis but kept one of the poles.

"Below me is a glacier, literally a river of ice, and like a river this glacier flows downhill. If I can get to it, it should lead me out of the mountains.

"To get to the glacier I need to follow this ridge and it's not easy and the temperature is dropping fast. Temperatures here in Alaska can reach as low as minus 60 degrees and frostbite is always a danger in the mountains.

"The bits to watch out for are your extremities - your hands, your feet and your face. The signs you are getting frostbite is that your skin goes this waxy red colour and eventually black. Frostbite is a really horrible and painful thing.

"This ridge has led me to a north facing slope. This gets less sunlight so it is still covered in snow. The weather is not looking so good. Getting caught out in bad weather can be fatal.

"I need to get down fast but the slope below me is nearly 300 feet. I am going to use a technique called 'glissade'."

To perform the glissade, you dig in your ice axe to control the speed of your descent. If you don't dig in the axe enough you will go too fast. If you dig it in too deep, it can get ripped out of your hand.

Bear used half a ski stick as he had no axe and descended at about 50 miles per hour clinging desperately to the stick. He continued his account:

"I've reached a glacier. There are over 100 thousand of these in Alaska. They form the largest fresh water reservoir on earth but they are full of crevasses often covered by layers of snow. You need to be roped to a partner to cross them safely.

"My luck is in. There is solid ground running alongside the glacier. But at the bottom of the glacier there is a forty foot waterfall.

"There is an ice tunnel into the glacier which could lead me out. Check the ice is solid before you go in. There could be over 200 feet of ice above me and it could crash down at any moment. Only go through such a tunnel as a last resort. The further you go in the harder it is to go back."

I'm not sure what the camera crew had to say about this little adventure!

Then, Bear saw daylight ahead. It showed his way out:

"I have never been so relieved. Finally, I am off the glacier!"

He took his ski boots off but kept the inner shoes on. He drank some water which looked dirty but the brown colour was glacial silt or pulverised rock. Bear commented: "This water should be good to drink."

He continued to move downwards: "Now I am off the mountain, I need to keep heading down to find food and shelter."

He was dive bombed by seagulls who were protecting their eggs which are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals but he was out of luck and only found stones which looked like eggs. However, he was far from discouraged:

"The landscape is beginning to open up and I can see the tree line ahead and I am almost in the forest. I can see a thick forest and deep gorge and there might be a river at the bottom of that. Most Alaskan villages are along rivers."

He was now in bear country.

Brown bears can grow up to nine feet tall, weigh up to 1100 pounds and can tear a man apart. When rangers found the remains of a hiker's body, who was recently killed, there were two empty shells on the ground but the bullets had not been enough to stop the bear.

Big groups rarely get attacked because they make lots of noise. Hunters are more likely to be attacked because they are sneaking round quietly on their own.

Bears are at their most dangerous when they are surprised so make a lot of noise by shouting things. Bear started to shout: "YO BEAR! YO BEAR!"

But he felt uncomfortable however much noise he made!

He found some berry seeds in bear crap. The good news - there are edible berries around. The bad news - there are bears around!

I was once chased by a mountain bear cub in Tehran. I ran much faster than usual (I was eight at the time) and escaped. I would not have liked to race an adult bear.

Bear climbed down a huge 200 foot waterfall: "Let your legs take the pressure. They are much stronger than your arms."

It is crucial to take your time in such situations - you can only make one mistake.

He next found some Eskimo potato which is full of starch and carbohydrates and is said to be the most valuable food source in Alaska.

He built a bed with branches to keep his body above the cold ground and then found some alder saplings to build a half dome shelter. To waterproof, you add layers of spruce from the bottom upwards.

He lit a fire which would put off the bears. In this part of Alaska, the black bears are more dangerous than the grizzlies.

Grizzlies are territorial so if you meet them be submissive and back off. However, if you meet a black bear it will probably be after you. They kill less humans than Grizzlies but, in 90% of their attacks, they stalk humans.

If you are cornered by a black bear you will have to fight for your life. Most locals carry a gun but, if you are without a gun, grab a stick and jab it in the bear's eyes.

In the night, Bear heard something moving around. It might have been a moose or a bear:

"I hope, whatever it is, it will leave this 'bear' alone!"

He awoke at 5 a.m. exhausted on his second day in Alaska:

"I'm a bit cheesed off but that's OK. When you've been wet all night, it's OK to be a bit cheesed off."

He followed a stream to a river and then down to the sea coast where most people would be. But he could still go 500 miles in each direction and find no one:

"My best chance of rescue is to be spotted by one of the many small fishing boats that fish this area."

He saw some bald eagles who were after salmon. The river is packed with king and pink salmon. Bear did not have a fishing line but, undeterred he made a fishing spear. He always looks for an alternative instead of giving up.

Bear spooked the salmon into about six inches of water by shouting and hitting the water with his spear. He, eventually, speared a large salmon and tucked in immediately:

"They are packed full of protein and you can eat the scales as well as they are small. I've always liked sushi!

"I may be out of the forest but I am still surrounded by bears who come down here to fish."

He now looked for shelter. Caves are ready made shelters but they are often occupied by wild life including bears. He found a shallow cave with high walls where nothing could sneak up on him from behind.

He next found mussels. Shell fish should always be cooked properly first. He surrounded the mussels with two layers of seaweed which would steam cook them in ten minutes. I am suprised that Bear did
not suggest eating the seaweed as well:

"When you collect the mussels tap them. If they don't close, they are already dead so leave them."

He created a signal fire with white smoke to contrast with the dark trees behind him but he did not see any boats so he had to keep moving.

Suddenly Bear spotted some wooden buildings but they were deserted. Alaska has a history of boom and bust.

He saw some glaciers which are often tourist hotspots. He would have a better chance of contacting other humans there but it would be a long walk.

Bear decided to use an old boat which he found near the buildings. He used a spade as a paddle. One of the core lessons of survival is to be open to every opportunity. It is the same with success.

An old boat in a sea full of ice is a risk but it was his best option. He slowly worked his way round the coastline. As he continued, he came across a bay full of sea ice. As he went into the bay the ice thickened and ice blocks were all around him.

He moved in among little icebergs. These can suddenly overturn as the water melts the ice underneath. Freezing water was beginning to seep into the boat. He quickly packed his heavier clothes into his back pack to avoid being weighed down.

His boat sank and he was in the icy water. The danger was that he might suck up a huge gulp of water and air but he made it to dry land.

Once on shore, he removed the rest of his clothes quickly. You survive longer naked than you do in wet clothes. He did push ups to get the blood flowing.

His jacket had stayed dry in his back pack. This would help. He stayed put for a while and then moved on but:

"Just when I've given up hope, I hear the distant sound of an engine."

He waved his arms and back pack in the air:

"They've seen me! I'm on my way home! Alaska is a place where you can truly come close to nature and that for me is its real magic."

What success lessons can be learned?

You need to know how to avoid the disasters of life whether they are to do with avalanches, personal relationships, finance, health or life itself. Learn the skills and knowledge you need or employ an expert.

Don't hang about. Moving fast on any project will keep your enthusiasm alive. It will keep you warm enough to survive a mountain descent.

Get rid of whatever slows you down whether they are ski's or heavy boots or bad habits.

Don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the ***** thing yourself! (Quote from Sara Henderson)

Go slow and take your time when facing dangerous obstacles where each step matters - sign any contracts with care!

It's OK to feel depressed at times. If you spend the night soaking wet it is OK to feel 'cheesed off' but at least appreciate being able to sleep most nights in a warm, dry bed!

Seize any opportunity that comes your way.

Learn which foods and drinks are most valuable.

If you go down into the woods today, don't surprise the teddy bears or you will become their picnic!

John Watson is an award winning teacher and 5th degree blackbelt martial arts instructor. He has written several ebooks on motivation and success topics. One of these can be found at

You can also find motivational ebooks by authors like Stuart Goldsmith. Check out

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site but please include the resource box above.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Elvis Presley - Memories of His Early Dynamic Performances and His Love For Animals

Elvis Presley is known best by the many songs that he sang, however, he was also a very big fan of animals. Elvis had many kinds of pets. He had horses, peacocks, and a chimpanzee named Scatter and before he became famous, he was known as the "Hillbilly Cat," in his hometown.

The song "Hound Dog" was written by two teenagers, Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller on the back of a paper bag. The song was originally written for blues singer Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton. Her version was slow, country blues and along with some different lyrics than the version Elvis heard in Las Vegas. Elvis Presley wanted to record the song when he heard Freddie Bell and the Bellboys' Vegas version.

Elvis performed the song "Hound Dog" on a television variety show in 1956. He changed its style and let the rhythm drive the song rather than the lyrics. There were over 40 million people viewing that performance. The television network that aired the show received complaints about the way Elvis moved his body while singing. The television critics said Elvis Presley had no talent (that was a lie). Worse than this was that he was a bad influence on the children (this is not true either) and vicious rumors spread about him (he was just too much of a good thing and his critics were probably jealous).

The next time Elvis appeared on national television he again sang "Hound Dog," but this time he sang to a basset hound dog wearing a top hat. It was said by some that he did not really want to do that and that he felt humiliated singing to a dog. Can you imagine? I vote for the first performance where it let the rhythm drive the song!

Elvis had to stand still behind the microphone in the studio while he recorded the song because of the type of recording technology available in 1956. Elvis, as we all know today, had a much different performing style. He liked to move around while singing and a lot of us liked to watch him move around just as well. The girls were fainting and believe me had I been there, I probably would have fainted as well. My heart always beat twice as fast when I heard Elvis sing or saw him performing.

At first, the songwriters did not like Elvis's version of "Hound Dog," but as they got to know him better, they realized just how much he knew about music and they respected his style. His version of "Hound Dog" became a number one hit, and was also one of the 10 greatest jukebox hits of all time. "Don't Be Cruel" was on the other side of the record. This single was the first record to top all three Billboard charts: Popular, country and western, and rhythm and blues. It sold over 4 million copies in the United States when first released.

Elvis went onto to record around two dozen more songs by Leiber and Stoller, one of which was the famous "Jailhouse Rock." I can still hear the words going over in my head now, "and dancing to the Jailhouse Rock." What a dynamic performer Elvis Presley was in his day and time. In my opinion, there has been no match.

When Elvis sang "Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear" in his second movie, Loving You, he received hundreds of teddy bears from his adoring fans. He tried to keep everything he received from his fans; however, there were just too many teddy bears. He gave truckloads away to children in Memphis Hospitals and childcare centers (Elvis had a big, loving heart). Throughout our country, various organizations still collect teddy bears to donate to children in Elvis's name. The True Fans for Elvis Fan Club holds an annual auction to raise money to buy teddy bears to give to children.

Elvis's teddy bear Mabel was once kept in a museum exhibit and guarded by guard dogs, however, those guard dogs for unknown reasons, went on a rampage and shredded hundreds of the teddy bears to bits, including poor, poor Mabel. The dogs were fired from their guard job (which was expected) and Mabel, the Teddy Bear, once considered the most valuable Teddy Bear of all, is no more.

The song "Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear" was written by Kal Mann and Bernie Lowe and became a number one hit in 1957.

Source: Lopata, P. (2008, May). Elvis Goes to the Animals. Faces (07491387), 24(2), 6. Retrieved July 31, 2008, from MAS Ultra - School Edition database.

Written by: Connie Limon For more Arts and Entertainment articles visit You might also want to stop by

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sweet Gifts For Girls Made of Sugar & Spice

What is more pleasing than seeing the face of a little angel shine when you place in her hands a gift from your heart? If you're the parent of little boys or you have yet to have children, you might be wondering what to get your niece, who comes racing to you from the front door of her home and jumps straight in your lap, happily telling you that her birthday is around the corner. You might be thinking: what are the perfect gifts for girls? Read on and find out some tried and true choices for gifts that girls are known to appreciate.

I like bright colors

Many little girls would love to get art supplies and coloring sets for any particular occasion of theirs. Don't forget including pencils, pens and papers in the coloring set. After all, what is she going to color if she doesn't have a picture or paper to work on?

Oh, a jigsaw puzzle!

That's right. Jigsaw puzzles are great gifts for girls who are young. However, if the girl is older you might want to look for a better choice. Think of themes which little girls would appreciate for the jigsaw puzzle you want to choose. Some themes include pet animals and fantasy characters. Yet, the best thing to do is to call up her mother and find out who or what her favorite character is. A little research goes a long way.

Sleep well, my little sunshine

Gifts for girls don't have to be all plastic. You can go for some PJs. Contact her parents to find out her exact size but if you don't know, just get large sized ones. Little girls won't mind being tucked in bed with large sized PJs which are quite comfortable.

Mommy, I am all grown up now!

Even though their height is no more than your TV shelf, some girls like to view themselves as adults. If that little pumpkin has such a nature, you could gift her a purse. Girls love to put little things in bags and purses. Remember these are adult women in the making.

Come, teddy bear, let me read you a story

Some gifts for girls are never to be doubted, and teddy bears or other stuffed animals are no exceptions. Little girls love to cuddle up with stuffed animals and teddy bears. Nearly all girls love such items. They could be big sized small sized or medium sized. Just pick up whatever you get!

My very own album...

Filling up picture albums can be a great activity for girls. Girls love to have their pictures taken therefore albums are great choices as gifts.

My hair is the best in the world

Everyone knows girls and hair are inseparable. For starters, you can think of getting combs, brushes and oh, don't forget that mirror for the little Snow White.

I wanna play soccer

If you know about a particular sports interest the little girl might have then you've got a great tip-off. Girls get thrilled with material related to their sport. You won't regret getting her that soccer set you saw in the ads!

This article is to help shoppers find gifts for children, Fay K. providing shopping tips and explain how to benefit from personalized gift for kids. Sponsored by gifts for Girls and Kids Party Favors

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Child's Play - The Teddy Bears Picnic - Ideas For Creative Play

Creative play is such an important part of child development. It is important for children to participate in pretend play or make-believe activities. This develops abstract thinking, negotiating skills, communication skills and a wide variety of necessary skills your child will need in later years. It is also a way for children to problem solve and practice social situations so they are comfortable when faced with the "real" challenges.

One favorite creative play activity I used to do when my children were little was the Teddy Bear Picnic. What child does not love a picnic? They see this as a special treat to have their meal in a different setting than usual. I used to spread a blanket in the middle of the living room floor. This was special to them because meals in my house were always at the dinner table.

One day per week, I would make sure I made finger foods for lunch that would lend well to the picnic theme. I had a little picnic basket just for this activity but that isn't really necessary if you are having your picnic indoors. This is how I used to do it:

  • Have your little ones help with planning the picnic meal. Little sandwiches cut into fingers or shapes are usually a big hit for picnic day. Fruit cut into bite sized pieces and maybe a cookie or two. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just anything that lends well to eating while sitting on a blanket.
  • While you are preparing the meal, start the pretend process. Ask them where they would like to pretend to have their picnic today. You can pretend to be in the forest, at the park, or anywhere they can imagine.
  • Once the meal is prepared, set it aside and have your little ones help create the scene. Spread a blanket out on the floor and get them to imagine the scenery. For example, you might place a stool to the side of the blanket and tell them to pretend that is a tree. Ask them, What else do we need in the forest? You will be surprised and how creative they can get.
  • Now get a little chair for each of you and line them up. Sit on the chair and you can pretend you are driving to the picnic or pretend the chairs are bicycles and pedal your way there.(great physical activity too) Or it could be a boat and you row your way there.
  • Now you want to invite people or critters or super heros to your picnic. Tell them to go to their toybox and find a friend to invite to their picnic.
  • When they bring their imaginary friend to the picnic, ask them to introduce their friend to you and tell you a little about the friend. This will get some wild stories going.
  • Now sit on the blanket and enjoy your picnic meal while pretending to observe the scenery.
  • When you are finished your meal, pack everything up, tell your children to take their friends back home(to the toy box). Jump back on your bicycles, row boat or car and go back home.
Teddy Bear Picnic day was always the favorite day of the week for my children. It was a great deal of fun for me too to hear all of the stories they would come up with during our creative play time. Every week was a new adventure. My children learned how to plan events, take turns and negotiate on where the adventure would be held all through the fun of creative play.

If you are looking for high quality toys that encourage creative play, child growth and development visit Creative play and physical activity are the only ways your little one will develop the necessary skills to reach their milestones in development and become a more socially aware and well-rounded individual. Give the gift of play!

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Friday, April 23, 2010

The Teddy Bear - America's Favorite Toy

The most common explanation for the rise in popularity of the teddy bear begins in November 1902, when President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt visited the southern U.S. to help settle a border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana. While on the trip, President Roosevelt went bear hunting. Cornered near a water hole, a bear fought with and killed one of the group's hunting dogs. When President Roosevelt saw what had happened, he ordered his men to humanely put the wounded bear out of its misery. Read more about Roosevelt's role in the border dispute in American history magazines.

Clifford Berryman, a newspaper cartoonist for the Washington Post newspaper, witnessed the incident and turned it into a cartoon called "Drawing the Line in Mississippi." The cartoon portrayed President Roosevelt's accomplishments on the trip, negotiating border disputes and protecting wildlife. To Berryman's surprise, the cartoon was published in newspapers across the country.

Because the bear President Roosevelt and his hunting group encountered wasn't the helpless animal Berryman portrayed-it was an angry bear that killed a dog-Berryman re-drew the cartoon and the story changed too. Before long, the altered story was a legend-after having poor luck hunting, Roosevelt was given the opportunity to shoot a bear cub that his staff had captured. Of course, Roosevelt refused.

This new version of the hunting trip earned President Roosevelt the respect and admiration of millions of Americans who felt it represented the President's strong character and sense of fair play. Soon the bear cub, dubbed "Teddy's bear," was appearing in all of Berryman's cartoons featuring the president.

Enter Morris Michtom, a Russian immigrant who owned a small novelty store in Brooklyn. Michtom's wife stitched several plush toy replicas of the bear, with big heads and eyes, for sale in the family store. When they sold quickly, Michtom sent President Roosevelt a bear and asked his permission to use the President's name on the bears. Roosevelt agreed. Then Michtom, along with a large wholesaling company, Butler Brothers, began to mass-produce the toy bears. They became an immediate success, and Michtom founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co., which still exists today. Another toy bear maker, Margaret Steiff, also helped teddy bear craze. Read more about the mass-producing of teddy bears in retail industry magazines.

Soon the teddy bears were featured in women's magazines, which offered patterns for fans to make their own bear clothing. The bears even inspired music, including a 1907 song called "Teddy Bear March and Two Step."

Over the years, the international popularity of the teddy bear has remained steady and it has become the best-selling plush toy of all time. While most mass-produced teddy bears are soft, cuddly, and sold as toys for children, there is also a market for more-carefully constructed bears as objects for collection by adults. Teddy Bear magazines include Teddy Bear Review magazine and Teddy Bear and Friends magazine.

For more on teddy bear magazines, visit

Jessica Vandelay is a freelance writer in New York City.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to Throw a Charming Teddy Bears Picnic Birthday Party!

A Teddy Bears Picnic is the perfect party theme for both boys and girls! It can be held indoors or out, in a park or in your very own backyard. The best of all it is simple and very cost effective.

Decorations: If your having the party outdoors, use the natural setting as your decoration. Set up beside a big tree for shade, cover picnic tables with gingham tablecovers and have large picnic blankets for the kids and their special friends to sit on. If you choose to have the party indoors, decorate the main party room like a forest. Cover 1 or 2 walls with butcher paper and paint on simple trees, flowers, grass, sky, clouds and some friendly birds and insects flying by. Use gingham fabric to decorate tables and lay out picnic blankets for sitting. Gather all the Teddy Bears you can find through friends and family and place them all around room. Indoors or out, helium filled balloons are always an important part of this theme. Don't forget the giant homemade "Teddy Bears Picnic" party banner!

Invitations: Find cute teddy bear scrap booking paper or use brown construction paper cut into the shape of a Teddy Bear. A cookie Cutter works great for this! Put the teddy bear picnic rhyme on the front of the invite. The teddy bear picnic rhyme goes like this..."If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise, If you go down to the woods today, you'd better go in disguise, For ev'ry bear that ever there was will gather there for certain, because today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic." On the inside of the invite, using your computer, print out the party information. Cut and paste if your not printing right on to the invitation. Use some cute clipart to dress up the inside party information. Be sure to request that every child bring their favourite teddy bear.

Craft: Before the party, make each child a set of Furry Bear Ears. The ears can be made with a brown furry material or brown felt. Make a template of an oval approximately 6" long by 3 1/2 inches wide. You need 2 ovals per set. Trace onto material and cut out oval shapes. Fold the ovals in half lengthwise around an inexpensive hair band and affix with a hot glue gun. Voila! Fuzzy Bear Ears!

Guest arrival: When the guests arrive, paint on them a perfect little black bear nose and give them their very own Fuzzy Bear Ears to wear. Adorable! While waiting for everyone to arrive, have a small activity set up like teddy bear colouring pages. When all guests are accounted for, start out the days activities by sitting on the picnic blanket and have everyone introduce their Bear. Then read the classic children's book "Teddy Bears Picnic" to get everyone in the mood.

Lunch: Make Picnic Baskets for the guests attending. Purchase inexpensive wicker baskets at your local dollar store or craft store. Dress up the baskets by hot gluing red & white gingham fabric to the inside of basket. Lunch is to be served in the baskets including a plate, napkin and utensils. The kids will feel so special when the receive their special pre-packed lunch in their own beautiful basket. After lunch, their basket doubles as their "loot bag" for all the items they will collect on their "Bear Hunt." The lunch baskets can consist of Honey and Peanut Butter Sandwiches cut with a teddy bear shaped cookie cutter, a juice box, a fruit cup and of course a pack of teddy graham cookies. A neat idea for dessert is to make paw print cupcakes. Using your favourite cake flavor and your child's favourite colour for icing, make little paw prints using 1 junior mint and 4 upside down chocolate chips. To cute!

Games: Bear Hunt - Proceed just like you would on an Easter Egg Hunt. Even use those plastic eggs and fill with candy and trinkets. To make it more Teddy Bear like, decorate the Eggs with a Bear sticker or draw on a Bear paw print with a black sharpie. You can let them go and find anything or you could colour co-ordinate so every child gets the same amount. For example, Sally finds and gathers the pink eggs, John finds and gathers the on. You can also use shapes coloured on the eggs for definition. Squares, triangles, hearts, stars - anything a toddler can recognize. With help of course! Another fun game to play just before the party winds down is "Is that your Bear?" Have the kids sit in a circle with all their Bears piled in the middle. The birthday child will go first. They are to put on a blindfold and when they are ready, they are presented with 3 bears, one of which is their own. Through touch they are challenged to figure out which Bear belongs to them. Perfect for toddlers! - Purchase party supplies in Canada - More great party planning ideas!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Collectible Deans Bears - Teddy Bears With History!

Dean's Rag Book Co. was formed in 1903 as a new venture for a successful children's book publishing company. Their rag books had the distinct advantage of being fabric that was washable, rather than entrusting paper books to sticky-fingered children. The successful launch of rag books led to cut-out doll sheets, blow-up toys and rag dolls to mention just a fraction of the range.

When the First World War began in 1914 Dean's stepped into the gap left in the market by Austrian and German toys, the import of which had stopped. Their first toy catalogue was entitled 'Kuddlemee' and includes pictures of three mohair teddy bears, although these have not been seen in recent times so scour your loft!

During the 20th century Dean's Bears evolved through different stages; making moulded-face dolls, character merchandise, pausing toy manufacture during the Second World War, then resuming with a full range of rag books, teddy bears and gollies. The fate of the company took a new turn during the 1980s, when toys were first imported wholesale from the far east making UK production highly uncompetitive.

In 1988 the company was bought by Neil and Barbara Miller, who have refocussed the business and made Dean's famous once more, in the popular field of collectable, limited edition bears. With the exception of a handful of artist-designed teddy bears the family lovingly design each collection themselves. All are produced in very low limitations, which ensures they are exclusive, highly desirable and sell out within weeks of a collection being launched!

Dean's Bears range for 2010 includes the Apple Pips - miniature four inch, fully jointed teddy bears each named after a variety of English apples, Kitty Willow designed by teddy bear artist Chloe Wilson with instantly recognisable features - big feet and ears, little eyes and hand air brushed facial features. Each of the bears is made from natural mohair or alpaca fur, with stitched thread noses and fully-jointed moveable arms, legs and head. Reclaim your childhood or give one as a gift to take them straight back to their younger years!

Corfe Bears is a teddy bear shop and main stockist for Dean's Bears.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Charlie Bears - Experience the Revolutionary Teddy Bears

Teddy bears have always been considered cute and collectible items. Although they are majorly popular with kids, especially little girls, if you were to explore the collection of Charlie bears then anyone is likely to fall for these collectible items.

Charlie bears is a revolutionary series of stuffed bears based on the old school teddy bear concept but with an artistic edge. Established by the pair of William and Charlotte Morris these bears have been inspiring people since November 2005. These bears have character and this is what sets them apart from the other conventional teddy bears that you will be able to find in the market.

The first big break came for the Charlie bears in 2006 when the founding members exhibited their creation at the Birmingham Spring Fair. Here they received a very warm reception which encouraged the duo to go ahead with their idea. Driven by passion the two designers set up a teddy bear producing company that completely revolutionized the kind of teddy bears that were available in the market.

One should not mistake Charlie bears to be the high fashion highly priced works of art. Artistic they are without a doubt but they are very moderately priced which makes them affordable for all kinds of people. Originally the company had released a collection of 12 distinct Charlie bears. Soon after their release these products were soaring in terms of their popularity in the market in UK in 2006. The huge success in such a short time encouraged William and Charlotte Morris to develop more varieties of their teddy bears and today the entire collection has more than 60 varieties of incredibly plush and mohair collectible teddy bears.

Some of the most popular and interesting varieties developed by the company are mentioned below:


Designed by Isabelle Lee, Alexander comes forth as a 13" plush Charlie bear constructed fully jointed and finished by hand. This is a deep piled plush faux featuring dark brown fur. It has complimenting jet black eyes and nose. This the is breakthrough bear which is a must have for all teddy bear enthusiasts. You will be able to get your hands on this particular Charlie bear for about 27.99.


Also designed by Isabelle Lee this female bear is slightly smaller at 10.5" inches. It is characterized by its soft and spiky plush which has been made in a toned down beige. The beige is accented by shades of ginger. Alice has a pair of jet black eyes along with a black nose. A unique necklace with wooden beads and a button gives her the feminine touch.


If you want to go for something extra special then the Doodle is part of a limited variety series of teddy bears. This is an 11" inch teddy bear with attitude. The bear features curly beige and brown mohair and has been especially hand finished. What sets this Charlie bears apart is the fact that it has the ability to stand on its own.

Charlie bears unmatched charm can be part of your home by choosing an exclusive piece from kipling handbags for a collectors item that transcends time.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Teddy Bears - Why Not Make Your Own?

A really great present to get for your own child or a relative's is a teddy bear that you've made yourself. Basic teddies are actually surprisingly easy to make, but you're free to put as little or as much effort in as you want. If you spend a long time on it, you can make a teddy to rival anything put out by the big teddy manufacturers.

Although there are many fabrics and methods you can use to make a teddy, probably the best is knitting with yarn. It is easy to find yarn in a very good teddy-like shade of brown, and teddy knitting patterns are readily available all over the Internet - search for 'teddy knitting' to find whole sites devoted to knitting teddies and other soft animal toys.

Once you have the pattern, you need to find a good stuffing for the teddy. Cotton wool is an easy to find, cheap and soft material, but you can stuff a teddy with almost anything you want. Avoid man-made materials and stick to the natural stuff and you shouldn't go far wrong.

When it comes to making the eyes and the nose, plastic buttons will do, but the best material to use is glass beads. Two black glass beads will give your teddy beautiful, friendly eyes, and they don't even cost all that much from most craft stores.

To finish the teddy off, you can tie a silk bow around its body or its hair, to make it look like a really pretty present. Fix it in place with a few threads so it can't come untied, and it can become a permanent feature of the teddy.

One warning, though: making teddies can be very addictive! Once you've made your first one, it's tempting to just keep on going. But then, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

John Gibb is the owner of TeddyBear information [] For more information on Teddy Bears check out []

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Teddy Bear Kits

Teddy bears are available in hundreds of shapes and sizes, but for sweetness and soul, there's nothing like a homemade bear. Basic teddies are actually surprisingly easy to make, but you're free to put as little or as much effort in as you want. If you spend a long time on it, you can make a teddy to rival anything created by the big teddy manufacturers.
Most of us can remember our favorite childhood teddy bear. Nobody will ever forget how their special furry friend gave them comfort as a child.

You can find many stores for teddy bear kits online. Those stores have a large selection of teddy bear kits, they are probably the cheapest. All of these kits come complete with a full instruction manual including hints and tips, and tools of the trade page. The dressed teddy bear kits come complete with clothing patterns included in the price. The kits have full instructions for machine or hand sewing, so you do not require a sewing machine to make kits. Everything needed is included in the kits.

A really great gift to get for your own child or a relative is a teddy bear that you've made yourself. Although there are many fabrics and methods you can use to make a teddy, probably the best is knitting with yarn. It is easy to find yarn in a very good teddy-like shade of brown, and teddy knitting patterns are available everywhere on the Internet. Once you have the pattern, you need to find a good stuffing for the teddy. Cotton wool is an easy to find, cheap and soft material, but you can stuff a teddy with almost anything you want. Avoid man-made materials and stick to the natural stuff and you shouldn't go far wrong.

Be My Bear is an online store for large selection of teddy bear kits. Each kit contains everything you need to make your cuddly companion.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

English Mastiffs - A Giant Gentle Teddy Bear of a Dog

English Mastiffs are one of the largest dogs in the world and are classified in the giant breed of dogs. The largest dog on record for weight is an English Mastiff, but for all the size that the English Mastiff has they are big gentle teddy bears if they are raised properly. However I know from raising my own that the jaw power they have is huge and could easily break a bone at any time.

To help prevent your English Mastiff from biting you though you will want to get them trained properly. I know that at times finding a dog trainer that will work with you with such a giant dog can be a challenge at times. If you are looking to train your English Mastiff dog then you will want to ask a couple of questions of any training program that you're considering before you shell out some of your hard earned money.

The first question to ask would be if they have any certifications in dog training. Now some of the dog trainers might have taken classes to train dogs, while other dog trainers might not have taken any classes at all, but have years of experience with dogs.

The second question that you will want to ask a training program that you're considering for your English Mastiff would be to see if they have any experience training large or giant breed dogs. I know that some people will be able to train your giant breed dog with no experience at all, but some of the dog trainers might have experience with the giant breeds and know that they cannot handle training them.

If you have an English Mastiff then you know how gentle of a dog that they really are and people are typically just intimidated by the size of the dog. I know and you know as well that the size doesn't affect how they will react around people. The thing that will affect them most is if you have given them the proper socialization and training.

I live in Ohio with my wonderful husband and two beautiful children. On top of having them I also have a fully trained English Mastiff that I trained, a Labrador Retriever, and a little Yorkshire Poodle. If you want some more great English Mastiff training information you can read this article as well.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Large Teddy Bears

If you're a teddy bear connoisseur, then you know the following: teddy bears were first named after U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt in 1902. Teddy bears were first displayed in an American shop window in 1902. In 1903, in Germany, a seamstress named Margaret Steiff added plush bears to the Steiff catalog and sold 3000 of them to U.S. customers. In 1955, plush bears were used by surgeons in the operating room to assist in putting children to sleep prior to surgery. Teddy bears heal the hearts and minds of children and adults alike when they're down or feeling ill. Christopher Robin received a bear for his first birthday - the bear we now know as Winnie the Pooh. Plush bears come in all sizes - small, medium, and large.

You don't have to be up on all there is to know about teddy bears to appreciate them. Like with all stuffed animals, it's more important to gauge how you feel when you hold one. Given their popularity, it doesn't seem to matter what size a plush bear is in order for you to fall instantly in love with them. But, if you're looking for the ultimate snuggle, large teddy bears should be your first choice. Even the most famous stuffed bear in the world, Winnie the Pooh, comes in a large size.

With large bears, there is just that much more to cuddle and cozy up to. Whether you choose a huge plush bear to display in a collection or to simply sit on your bed, it's unlikely you'll be able to resist the urge to hug them.

What is it that makes plush bears so special? Is it their size, their color? Their smile, their roly-poly belly? Or, is it the magic power they seem to wield whenever we look at them? Whatever it is, large teddy bears are simply irresistible!

If you happen to own a dog, you may be surprised to learn that your canine companion can be just as enamored with large bears as you or a child. Dogs will typically carry them around just like a child will and will lie on them like a pillow. In the same way large plush bears can be comforting to us, they are a comfort to dogs as well.

There is a certain heart-warming charm about large bears. Their irresistibly soft fur and sweet faces are enough to make even the toughest critic melt. The next time you feel like you don't have a friend in the world, give a large plush bear a big bear-hug and watch all your troubles amazingly disappear.

Angeline Hope is a collector of stuffed animals and her favorite is a 4.5 foot large teddy bear. You can view a huge selection of quality large teddy bears at MyBigPlush.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easing the Birthday Budget by Purchasing Teddy Bears and Dolls Online

So, here it is, summer: the season of birthday parties. This means pinatas, cake and ice-cream, laughter, and tears too!

And of course, presents for not only your children, but the friends that invite them over to celebrate their big day. With the costs of cartoon-character themed plate sets, decorations, and fancy cakes, the birthday budget is getting stretched thin these days.

However, buying your teddy bears and dolls online for your kids is a great way ease the overwhelming cost of presents, and thus the total cost of your child's celebration.

Shopping online is as simple as clicking a few buttons, and can save you time. Imagine the dread of heading to your nearest toy store-attempting to leave the kids behind to pick out the appropriate toy for both the age and personality of the Birthday child.

Remember that when you buy teddy bears and dolls online, however, you can browse without having to worry about busy parking lots or screaming children. Even better yet, many of the toys you browse will have reviews from other parents-helping you to find the perfect gift.

Buying teddy bears and dolls online also offers you an opportunity to plan ahead, and takes very little time. Give yourself a couple weeks to account for shipping time, and have the toy wrapped by the seller if that is an option. This saves you the cost of wrapping paper, and gives you more time to order the cake and plan what games the kids will be playing.

There's no denying that buying teddy bears and dolls online is a cost effective way to purchase presents-as you perform easy price comparisons to find a gift that fits your price range. You can also find some of the more popular children's items for a discounted value, making your child happy while not breaking the budget.

Purchase your child's teddy bears and dolls online this year to save time and money for this year's birthday.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big Teddy Bears

The way in which the teddy bear was born is an interesting one; it was actually invented on one continent but given its name and adopted on another. In Germany, Richard Steiff was determined to make an irresistible plush bear, while in the United States, the link was established between the toy and Theodore Roosevelt (a hunting-loving President) and the term 'teddy' was conceived. The bear was then delivered in 1902 and its popularity was guaranteed. If it hadn't been for a little girl born fifty years earlier however, the teddy bear may not have existed at all.

Richard Steiff's Aunt Apollonia Margarete Steiff (born July, 1847), was a healthy baby for the first eighteen months of her life but she contracted polio and was forced to spend the remainder of her life in a wheelchair. By all accounts she was an extremely happy child and it has been reported that she started giving music lessons to help distract her from her illness. Whatever her reasons, she used the money she earned to buy a sewing machine. Eventually, a dressmaking factory was opened where she made an elephant pin cushion for herself out of felt material (this eventually led to making them as gifts for friends and family). Soon enough, children were claiming their parents' gifts for themselves as they loved their size and softness. In 1880, Margarete started selling the elephant pin cushions which then led to other soft toys being made including dogs, lions, monkeys, and donkeys.

Big teddy bears are now just an extension of what Margarete Steiff created all those years ago and they still bring an instant smile to both children and adults whenever they lay eyes on them. There is no doubt plush bears have gone through various design changes over the years (at one time they had glass eyes), but one thing is still clear: a plush bear is still the most coveted toy a child can have. Big teddy bears are just all that much more endearing because their size allows for extra cuddles and hugs.

Despite technology and the vast amount of time children today spend watching television and playing video games, plush bears refuse to be ousted from our hearts. Big teddy bears, by definition, give us all that much more to curl up with; they are the ultimate in softness and will give back supreme bear hugs. In addition to the friendships a child develops over their lifetime with big teddy bears, also having the privilege of cozying up with these delightful creatures is an overall bonus.

Over time, some plush bears may be forgotten by their owners, but big teddy bears aren't so easy to push to the back of a closet - they're undoubtedly a bear a child will want to fiercely protect to ensure they are never mistreated. Margarete Steiff would have insisted on it, after all. She also would have surely delighted in seeing that big teddy bears were developed from her once tiny felt elephant pin cushion. At the same time, she may have never imagined that such an insignificant lump of felt would have turned into the big plush bears that exist today.

The next time you feel like you don't have a friend in the world, give all of your big teddy bears a big beary hug and watch all of your troubles amazingly disappear.

Angeline Hope is a collector of big teddy bears. You can view a huge selection of big teddy bears at MyBigPlush.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Big Pink Teddy Bears

Teddy bears of all colors and sizes have been the most beloved plush toy of children and adults alike since their creation by Margaret Steiff in 1902. Prices of some of the rarest bears today are beyond many collector's pockets. Due to the demand, some manufactures have even gone on to produce limited-edition replicas of sought-after lines exclusively for the collector's market. Ultimately, people collect bears of all sorts simply because they are irresistibly drawn to them.

With the vast array of colored bears available, it's hard to know which is the best color to buy. If you are a collector and already have bears of one particular color, the choice becomes an obvious one. Of all the colors to choose from, both blue and pink teddy bears are popular choices for different reasons.

Due to their color, at least half of the world's population (boys and men) do not appreciate pink teddy bears. Young girls, and women, however, have a different view entirely. In the Western world, the color pink is typically associated with females because the color is seen as delicate and feminine even though it's a color that means universal love - which can apply to anyone. So, it's no surprise to find that pink gifts like bears are given to girls, young ones especially.

The more recent traditional association of the color pink and girls actually developed in the 1940s; prior to that, pink was actually more associated with purchases for boys rather than girls. And, long before that time, the color pink did not have any color associated gender attached to it at all.

In the 1990s, the color pink became synonymous with the awareness-spreading movement of breast cancer. Today, pink ribbons have international significance as a lasting symbol of breast cancer awareness.

Pink teddy bears are often given to women as gifts; for mothers and girlfriends to say "I love you," and even more commonly to baby girls as both celebration and acknowledgment of their birth. Valentine's Day is another popular un-official holiday in which pink teddy bears are given as gifts to loved ones. Hearts are commonly etched into parts of the bear to drive the point home.

Pink teddy bears are not reserved for special occasions - they can be given at any time of the year. Ultimately, no matter what color you choose for your bear, you are making an investment into something that is much more than just a plush toy; a teddy bear is a lifelong friend and companion that is there for you to cry on, talk to, and love. They are a security blanket come to 'life' and as is the case, they will never let you down no matter what color they happen to be.

Angeline Hope is a collector of big pink teddy bear toys. You can view a huge selection of quality big pink teddy bear toys at MyBigPlush.

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